Care-On-Call Service Description

Our wireless PEL allows you to be connected 24x7 to our professional team who can help you. 4G mobile network offers stable and fast connection.

1 | Vigilance Service

2 | Emergency Aid
3 | Initiative to care
4 | Location Tracking
5 | Outpatient Appointment booking & Medicine-taking Reminder
6 | Day-to-day Inquiries


EasyHome® Service provides premium home care for your senior family members.

1 | Medical Escort、 Home Care、Rehabilitation ServiceHouse Cleaning

2 | Matchmaking completed within 3 hours*
3 | Accessible through the application for checking
4 | Online payment
5 | Labor and third-party liability insurance coverage included

Beneficiary Story

Uncle Wong, aged 82, who lived alone for years in a metal hut at a remote corner of Lung Yuet Tau, Fanling, has faced numerous health challenges. He is suffering from colorectal cancer and cardiac decline, along with frequent gut congestion and other discomfort, and even experienced a near-fatal heart stroke. Fortunately, he promptly called for help through our Care-on-Call Service and received immediate support to be hospitalised. Uncle Wong expressed his gratitude with a smile, saying: “I’m truly grateful for being able to use the Care-on-Call Service to save my own life.”

Our Products & Services

Whether it is for indoor or outdoor use, we always have the right solution for you.

Care-on-Call Service Charity Program

Single & vulnerable, they need help

Madam Kei is 80+ years old, widowed and lives alone.  One day, she fell down in her bathroom and could not move.  Fortunately she was wearing the remote SOS button of her PEL and could call for help from Care-on-Call Service which arranged for ambulance to take her to hospital.

For single-living elderly, if accidents happen to them and there is no one around, it could result in unimaginable consequences. Care-on-Call Service Charity Program offers help and protection to elderly who are not well supported.

Senior Citizen Home Safety Association

To raise the quality of life of people who want to age in place by leveraging technology and innovation to provide people-centric services.

Latest News (Chinese Only)

26 Sep 2024 (Thu)

長者安居協會推出「一線通®守護卡」 為長者以至學童提供外出時緊急支援

Senior Citizen Home Safety Association Launches Ne

Senior Citizen Home Safety Association ("SCHSA") announced the launch of its new product, New MobileLink®. It is the latest in its suite of mobile devices that support its Care-on-Call Service and can help anyone regardless of age who may need emergency assistance when they go out. The use of New MobileLink® can help improve the quality of life for senior citizens aging in place.

26 Sep 2024 (Thu)

《無綫新聞》新平安鐘設定位功能助尋失蹤長者 協會研跨境使用可能性


16 Jul 2024 (Tue)

近日錄多宗長者家中死亡個案 「一線通平安鐘™」呼籲至少每週2電關心長者身心情況

近日錄多宗長者家中死亡個案 「一線通平安鐘™」呼籲至少每週2電關心長者身心情況


27 Jun 2024 (Thu)




29 May 2024 (Wed)

7成長者接受子女離港能獨自生活 長者安居協會籲子女每週至少一次與留港父母視像通話 並推「一線通®千里顧」服務幫助照顧留守長者


29 May 2024 (Wed)

《明報》子女離港 4成受訪長者感孤獨 長者安居協會倡每週至少一次視像通話


16 Apr 2024 (Tue)

SCHSA and SWD Signed Contract for the Subsidy Scheme for Provision of Emergency Call System Service

SCHSA and SWD signed an agreement on the Subsidy Scheme for Provision of Emergency Call System Service with effective implementation starting on 1 April 2024.

16 Mar 2024 (Sat)



家中高堂辛勞大半生,作為晚輩或子女,妥善照顧及關心長者是盡孝的表現。不過,大部分香港人既要工作、又要有自己家庭,獨居長者及「以老護老」等情況愈見普遍,不能同住或無法全職照顧長者的子女,或會聘用外籍家庭傭工擔任照顧角色。然而,單靠「工人姐姐」又是否能為長者提供充分照顧,達致居家安老? 根據長者安居協會「一線通平安鐘™」近三年數據,逾六成「一線通平安鐘™」用戶為獨居長者或雙老家庭,當中不少有家傭照顧仍使用平安鐘,而有用戶就以親身經歷,鼓勵長者家人替家中摯親安裝平安鐘,以獲及時支援。

1 Mar 2024 (Fri)

長者安居協會舉辦「愛.平安」社區參與計劃伙伴交流日 每年助萬名長者使用「一線通平安鐘™」 冀各界積極支持



8 Feb 2024 (Thu)


