Donation Enquiries
Should you have any enquiries, please call at 2952 7330 or Whatsapp 9530 1275 or email to contact our Fundraising and Charity Department.
風雨路上有「您」 長者們不再怕


「長者安居協會 x 麥東記」慈善義賣 (Chinese version only)

長者安居協會與本地插畫家「麥東記(Don Mak)」合作,以香港懷舊元素及協會服務為主題,設計出一系列慈善義賣精品,是次義賣善款將用於支援「一線通平安鐘™」慈善計劃,讓社會上逾萬名弱勢⾧者持續獲得24/7 免費「一線通平安鐘™」服務,全方位獲得支援,達至「居家安老」。
Charity Programs
Our Charity Programs sponsors 10,000 vulnerable elderly to use our 24x7 Care-on-Call Service free of charge and even more elderly to use our EasyHome® Services for free. By making a donation to us, you can empower low income elderly to have the support of our Care-on-Call Service and/or EasyHome® Service.

Care-on-Call Service Charity Program
We provide support to impoverished elderly 24 hours a day even in emergencies.

EasyHome® Service Charity Program
We provide personal care service to impoverished elderly with critical needs so that they can have a decent quality of living.
Beneficiaries’ Testimonials(Chinese Only)

Tree of Love
SCHSA offers Love & Peace Program to corporate and group donors that are interested in doing more than making donation. Through this Program, corporations and groups can allow their staff or members to participate in volunteer service organized by SCHSA, giving the volunteers opportunities to directly help the most vulnerable elderly in our community. There is no better way to fulfil corporate social responsibility than to be part of our Love & Peace Program.