Love & Peace Community Engagement Program

Through Love & Peace Community Engagement Program, SCHSA partners with community stakeholders like corporations, organizations and schools to deliver love and peace to our elderly and build an age-friendly community though collaborations in community events and fundraising. Since its launch in 2013, donations from various partners have supported SCHSA’s Care-on-Call Charity Program and supporting our needy elderly to receive the services.

How to participate in Love & Peace Community Engagement Program

Corporate/ Organization/School can select one of following combo

Making Donation

Corporate/ Organization/School donate HKD25,000 or above

Direct donations can be made by enterprises/groups/schools, or encourage their members to support SCHSA's fundraising activities, e.g. Red Packets Giving Campaign and Charity Sale etc.

Volunteer Services

Corporate/ Organization/School can join the Elderly Home Visit or Caring Call Service

Elderly Home Visit

5 to 6 corporate/organization/school volunteers will form a group to visit 4 to 5 elderly-households to learn more about their lives and extend their care to the elderly. A briefing on effective communication skills will be given to corporate volunteers prior to the visit.

Caring Call Service

Participants of corporate/organization/school can learn skills in communicating with the elderly and express their loving care and warm greetings to the elderly over the phone. A briefing on effective communication skills will be given prior to the service.

Fundraising events

Corporate/organization/school can organize their own fundraising activities and name SCHSA as the beneficiary, such as charity ball and Fun Fair, to raise fund HK$25,000 or above. Let’s work together to show unceasing loving care for the elderly who are less affluent.

Promoting "We walk together with Elderly - Parent-Child Monthly Donation Program"

Corporate/organization/school can encourage their members to join the “We walk together with Elderly - Parent-Child Monthly Donation Program”, the eligible units have to successfully recruit 10 members to register as monthly donors that will commit continue donations for one year or more from 2023-24.

Recognition and Acknowledgement

Love & Peace Community Engagement Program sets up fundraising awards to corporates, schools and organizations with the best fundraising result for appreciating their contribution. Corporates / organizations are encourage to invite friends or relatives to be the sponsor. Let’s join hands together to show unceasing loving care towards the elderly and construct an elderly-friendly community.

(Cut-off date: 1 Sep to 31 Aug of the Next Year Annually)

  • Top Fundraising Organization

(Champion, 1st Runner up and 2nd Runner up)

  • Top Fundraising Company

(Champion, 1st Runner up and 2nd Runner up)

The program has various acknowledgement arrangement, please refer to below "Learn More" button for further details.

Beneficiaries’ Testimonials (Chinese Only)











老老相伴 長相廝守

趙伯伯今年踏入人生第九個十年,更患有認知障礙症,胡婆婆卻形容他是「大細路」,她既是太太,亦像母親一樣照顧他。 胡婆婆身體雖然較健康,但要獨力照顧老伴毫不容易。每天為伯伯親自下廚、餵飯、陪伴覆診。「大細路」總有頑皮的時候,小則嚷著不願洗澡,大則半夜欲離家回到舊居,胡婆婆常要安撫老伴的情緒。她亦已年屆八十多歲,腿部機能衰退,常常在街上跌倒。 幸得「一線通平安鐘TM」慈善計劃,透過協會預約覆診、追蹤防止趙伯伯走失等服務,減輕了胡婆婆作為照顧者的憂慮;兩老若急需即時求助亦可按動室內平安鐘,使他們更為安心。 誠邀大家慷慨捐助,為本地貧困長者及有需要人士送上平安的祝福,幫助他們免費使用協會的「一線通室內平安鐘」或「平安手機®」24小時緊急支援及全面關顧服務。



