New Mobile Link

A Free, Safe, Relaxed Lifestyle

Designed to be lightweight and easy to use, our Care-on-Call Service service provides 24/7 comprehensive support for both outdoor and indoor use. Enables elderly to enjoy a more autonomous and worry-free lifestyle.


Functions of New Mobile Link

Emergency Assistance

Nml Website Functions Dial

Our professional team stands by 24x7 and can be reached by Users via the One-press SOS button on our devices. 

Vigilance Service

Nml Website Icons X 2 450x300 Ccc

We monitor the (in)activity status of our Users through their mobile device.  We are vigilant and proactively monitor the safety of the elderly.

Location Search

Nml Website Functions Location

This allows family members to search for the Users’ location via an APP.  No more worries about where the elderly have gone.  Their whereabouts can be at your finger tips.

Designed for Caregivers

Care-on-Call offers a range of mobile communication devices that are equipped with location tracking function.  This allows family members to search for the Users’ location via an APP.  No more worries about where the elderly have gone.  Their whereabouts can be at your finger tips.

Others Functions

Nml Website

Enhanced Security Features

The enhanced security feature includes a "Firewall" function, which blocks unknown calls, ensuring peace of mind.

Nml Website App

Together with the App

Family members can stay informed about the user's condition and offer support anytime, anywhere, making life more convenient and worry-free.


一線通平安鐘服務®多角度支援長者與家人,隨時隨地守護長者安全與健康,全新客戶登記一線通®守護卡組合,即送您價值$600 陪診服務! 仲唔快啲行動? 守護長者在家安全,同時也可自由自在地享受戶外活動。



1. 推廣期內,新登記兩年「一線通平安鐘™」加「一線通®守護卡」服務組合並完成安裝,享兩次一線通管家易®陪診服務。
2. 每節送贈之一線通管家易®陪診服務為三小時,如需超時需另行收費,兩節皆需於2025年8月31日前完成,逾期作廢。
3. 推廣所贈之一線通管家易®陪診服務不能兌換或更換成現金及/或其他服務。
4. 推廣期為2025年3月1日至3月31日。
5. 贈送名額有限,滿額將不另行通知。
6. 如有爭議,長者安居協會擁有最終決定權。